Thursday, March 13, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences

On Monday we had PTCs (Parent Teacher Conferences), so as any respectable teacher would do, I tried to put some effort into my appearance and find a way to not invoke the inevitable "you're too young to be teaching high school", "you're the teacher, you look like you could be one of the students" comments.  So in my early morning daze/panic to get ready I grabbed my blow dry and the extension cord and dragged it into my bathroom to do my hair.

There are several things you have to know about my house here.
1. I don't have and electrical outlets in my bathroom. Most days this is fine, but becomes an issue when wanting to do my hair.
2. The Philippines electrical system is 220, my house was built by the US Army for back when this was a naval base. Therefore my house is a weird mishmash of 220 and 110 (North American voltage) outlets.
3. These outlets never seem to be in the right locations, which is why my house if a a maze of power cords running across rooms to power the TV (220), the light (220), the clock (110) the fan (110)  the microwave (220) etc. Its a mess.

So my hairdryer is wired for 110, I grabbed the extension cord brought it to the bathroom, plugged it in and then the lights dimmed flowed in a split second by sparks and the smell of metallic burning. I had grab the extension cord that is plugged into the 220. The one I needed is orange, the one I decided to plug my hairdryer into was white. As an art teacher you would think I would notice these colour differences. Regardless I cause a small explosion So I showed up to my parent teacher conferences with wet hair, and I'm pretty sure my bathroom still has the faint smell of burning.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all went well with the P/T interviews in spite of the panic beforehand. Love Grandma
