Thursday, April 3, 2014

Update: Yes I'm Still Here

So blogger has been blocked at school. Which I really haven't had time to post anything between creating the set and props for the school play, IB exams and getting the yearbook ready for print. But occasional you want to stop using your prep time for good.

So I've been busy, trying to get things at school finished and figuring out things for my move next year.   I haven't had anything exciting to post about. It's hot here, like 40 degrees hot, sweat through clothes in a matter of minutes, if the air conditioning stopped working they would cancel school, forget to put the cheese away and leave it out for an hour find it in the form of a pile of goo, kinda hot.

 Luckily I'll be headed to Thailand in less than a week for a much needed break. Where it will mostly like be just as hot, but I hold out a small hope that the further north I head the cool it may get??? I'll be there a total of 12 day and I'm looking forward to it. I won't be bringing a lot technology with me so don't expect updates until after I get back. Yes there are protests still going on, they're somewhat peaceful and they are still isolated to an area of Bangkok that I will be avoiding, and have not targeted any foreigners. As the Canada travel advisory says, I will be "exercising caution", which lets be honest that me on a daily basis, I'm not a risk taker. Jumping out of planes- awful. Running with the bulls- stupid. Russian roulette- worst game ever. Checking out a Thai protest- why on earth would I want to see that when I could be spending my time looking at art. So have no fear Grandma and other worriers of the world, I will be fine. And if everything goes to shit, I'll just head up north sooner and spend a little more time learning how to cook Thai food and hanging out with elephants.

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