Monday, March 3, 2014

Dubai Day 2

Day two started off with a trip to the Spice Souq, where I was able to pick up some saffron, nutmeg, vanilla, and peppermint (not sure how I'm gonna use that yet). Lindsay found a stuffed camel for Eleanor.  

Our next stop was Dubai Creek where we wondered along the river until we found a boat we could charter for an hour. 

On the "cruise"

Our boat driver

That's us reflected in the National Bank building, apparently this building was a big deal when it was built in the mid 90's. Now it's dwarfed by all the other building in Dubai. 

After our boat ride we went to the old city were we wondered around. Most things were shut down because between 1-4 is the hottest part of the day and most people go home to rest and get out of the heat. 

Everywhere there were these tiny "Dana Sized" door where they were was just over 5 feet of clearance. 

Shoes placed outside of the Mosque entrance. 

We eventually found a little cafe/art gallery were we grabbed a snack. I had mint lemonade, which was very green, but very good. We wondered through art galleries. And then caught a taxi back to our hotel where we had dinner at Harry's sports bar, not wanting to brave the traffic again. 

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