Monday, March 3, 2014

When Your Life is Like a Clooney Movie...

... But better. 

So far in the new year I've been to 4 different countries, 12 plane rides, countless hours on busses, and far too much time wasted in customs/security lines. I live out of a suitcase, I now always have one semi packed. And this coming weekend I'm going away again. Puerto Princessa, on the island of Palawan in the Philippines.

Sound familiar? That's because it is. I went there last year for a long weekend, I had a great time so I'm heading back. This time for a grade total of one night, two days of beaches, markets, and good food, although I may skip the fried crocodile this time.

Oh the life of international teacher... you may not be be able to find your favourite brand of peanut butter  (if you can find peanut butter) or hair products that work for your hair. You're constantly trying to figure out time zone differences and when hat mean your bank back home is open so you can call and yell at them again about cancelling your card do to "specious overseas activity" (For the last time I live in Asia). But when it's -30 at home and you're sorta on permeant vacation, its kinda awesome.

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