Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dubai Day 1

So on Tuesday I flew out of Manila on my 9 hour journey to Dubai, I lucked out and the flight was pretty much empty, giving me three seats to myself! The discount airline came complete with wifi, but I had to pay extra for my meal. Trade offs. Oh well, I was able to finish my report card comments on the flight. At one point we were rerouted, somewhere over a dessert between India and Dubai because of an electrical storm going on. I could see it out my window in the distance as clouds lit up with lighting and left brilliant zagging lines ion the sky. It was really beautiful, but I was glad we weren't flying through it. We landing in the evening and by the time I got through the longest customs line ever. They were grilling every foreign worker, then they got to me and just stamped my passport, no questions asked. The privileges of being white and Canadian. 

I got to my hotel grabbed a snack and went to bed. I was excited to explore the city on Wednesday and be reunited with my sister! 

On Wednesday I woke early (jet lag) grabbed some breakfast and headed out to the textile souq (market). Its in the older area of Dubai along the water, in each souq you can get anything you want, but each has it's own speciality. Here I picked up some fabric to get my seamstress to make me some new clothes. 

Dubai Creek

Entrance to the Market

The whole thing was a maze of path ways which were covered by these wooden vaulted roofs. 

After I headed back to the hotel, where I meet up with Lindsay and we headed out to the Dubai Mall, we looked around, purchased some books, had lunch, watched people ice skate, got Tim Hortons, then ventured outside to look at the worlds tallest building. At $135 for a ride to the top it was a little too steep for my taste, so we enjoyed the view from the ground. We sat by the pool (lake?) and later watched the water show, where I was too entranced to take any photos. 


1 comment:

  1. Exciting! Love the beaded slippers/shoes. I wear a size 8 Cdn. LOL. Love Grandma
