Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So it's currently summer here. And as many of my friends and family members pray for the warmth to come to them and for all the snow and ice to finally leave. I'm here dying of heat stroke. (not actually dying, but I think this is what it  would feel like). Its hot, like freezies instantly melt hot, and you wish you never had to wear clothes and could just lie on a tile floor with an air conditioner pointed at you and nothing ever touch you hot. You know in music videos, like JLo, everyone's covered in this thin layer of sweat and they look good. Its like that, except instead of a thin layer of sweat, it looks more like everyone just got out of the shower.

For example right now, I'm sitting in my classroom on my prep (I swear I'm marking papers) sweating. Its hot enough to think: these air conditioners must not be working. So I go fiddle with the controller and everything is on the right setting. So I continually lower the setting until its at a cool 13 degrees Celsius, and still its a sweat box. So then I stick my head outside the door. No its working, its just 48 degrees outside today and there's no way your going to be cool, minus camping out in a giant walk in freezer.

I look forward to Canadian summer where its a reasonable temperature of 27.

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