Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Visitor

This bird appeared on Saturday and sent most of the day hanging off my window and in the avocado tree in my backyard. It was completely unfazed by my presence, and just went from window to window showing off.  And although its very beautiful to look at, its song is another matter entirely.  So when it came back this Sunday morning, just before 6 am, I was less than thrilled to be woken up by its squawking and repeatedly tapping on the glass I was not impressed.  And regardless of how many time I banged on the glass to try and make it leave it would not. So when I tried to move to the living room couch it followed and drove me crazy from there. I guess it was dead set on having me be an early riser this morning. 


  1. Your visitor appears to be a black napped oriole with very strange habits.

  2. It was back again this morning at 5:20 am. I hate this bird.

  3. Where is Mush when you need him?
