Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I would like to take this day to recognize not only my mother, but all the strong, amazing women who have helped to shape me into the person I am today. You cared for me, yelled at me when I was wrong, you taught me how to sew and cook, the name of different plants, how to canoe, paint, properly dig a trench, you taught me to be strong, and never take crap from anyone. You let me steal peanut butter from the jar when no one was looking and taught me my first dance moves. To respect others, and most of all myself. These women have been my inspiration and source of strength. And it is because of all of you that I am able to go off on my adventures, because I know regardless of how far I travel your lessons and support will always follow me.

I come form a line of strong women, who have taught me to be equally as strong and resilient.

Most of all my mother, who taught me to take care of myself, others, and any situation that is thrown at me. 

Love You!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to remember us. I love you dearly. Grandma
