Monday, April 29, 2013

What I've Been Up To

So I feel like lately I may have been a little M.I.A. Well lets just say life has been a little crazy. First there was the school play. Shoot me. Just shoot me. See as the high school art teacher I was in charge of designing and painting the sets for the play. Originally when I hear this last year when I took the job I though no big deal, paint a back drop paint some boxes black. Wrong. These sets were meant to be professional grade, with balconies and set changes and what I would call pure insanity. However the teachers that have been here for years don't see anything wrong with this. This is why art teachers here only last 2 years, and often have mental break downs. Oh well, so I gave up a lot of nights and weekend to create this craziness. Luckily I changed their minds on letting me have students help to paint the set, really I didn't give them a choice. So I created a set for the production of "Once On This Island" breakdown free, at what they may think was a sub-par level, but I thought it was fabulous.

Set during rehearsals, and us still scrambling to finish it up. 

So while there was the chaos of this there was also the chaos of my IB students doing exams. IB in the great wisdom decided that this year they would make the exams for the Visual Arts students on April 10th, a full month before everyone else. It was almost impossible to get the students to get their work finished and documented. But it got done and after several computer glitches, it was sent off. 

Then there was the art show, which was good, but once again it seemed to eat my life. So after a successful high school art show last week, we have the middle school one to look forward to this week. 

Lastly this Sunday we went over the final pages of this year's yearbook. Everything has been corrected and signed off on, and if there is a mistake at this point I don't care. 

So this has been why I've been a little busy and this Monday was taken off to relax and finally get back to my project of finishing up my bedroom. Remember about a month ago at Easter I decided to paint my bedroom, well that has been put on the back burner for a while. But as of 7 pm the room was complete. I probably will replace the curtains to something a little nicer. But in the mean time it looks so much better than blinding yellow and it's done!

1 comment:

  1. wow to all projects! I'm sure you will get A plus for all your efforts. Love Grandma
