Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 4: Out of Batad

After the hike of death the previous day what I really wanted was more hiking. Because when your joints are about to give out and your legs are screaming in pain what you really want is increase that by hiking up and down and around a mountain.

And of course because I didn't plan the route, we took the hard way out.

Early morning in Batad

So tired
We packed up, and started our hike along the rice terraces.

And up the rice terraces

And along the rice terraces

And down slippery steps

And then through jungle

At which point I was prying that it would be over soon.

The answer was no...

So we walked along more terraces

Until we finally got to the end, where we meet some local school children, who liked our trail mix and thought Lauren was a little crazy. 

 We then went back to Banaue where we gathered our stuff and our van and headed out to Sagada.

Here's the look out where the image for the 1000 peso bill was taken from

Carabao and a Jeepney, doesn't get much more Philippino than that. 

We arrived in Sagada by 4 and got settled into our place. Next day was cave exploring. That night all I could think was shoot me. 

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