Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 6&7: Baguio

So on day 6 we drove to Baguio which took forever. Once we got there we didn't do a whole lot, we went to the mall, we ate food, we saw a movie and of course there were hot showers. It oddly rained which unseasonable and made it miserable to be outside. I had plans of seeing different art things, but it wasn't meant to be. So at the end of it we headed home early.
On the way to Baguio, here the rice terraces turn into vegetable terraces, growing things like cabbage, carrots, beans, and eggplant. 

We hit a lot of construction along the way. This is the Philippines equivalent of the stop/slow sign worker. 

After Baguio which we didn't really do to much to exciting, but I did buy paint for my bedroom walls! (still has not been completed, I'm waiting on a ladder from the school to be delivered to my house. Its been occupied with trying to paint the set for the school play). We headed home, where were stopped in many Easter processions, which included people carrying candles, statues of Mary, statues of Jesus, and actual cross. Which one could only presume that they would then later be the poor guys who were crucified on that cross in the far too real reenactment. 

Here is us stuck in traffic, this is when I realized that the car in front of us didn't have a real licence plate, but rather a piece of metal with random letters and numbers hand painted on to it. It wasn't even the right colour (Philippines licence plates are green). 

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