Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today I was at school (yes on a Sunday), painting the set for the high school play, (not a fan) when I had to go clean some paint brushes. When I entered the room with the sink I was greeted by four dead cockroaches and one semi-alive one on the floor (they had recently sprayed). Gross.

And then I though, cockroaches would be so much less icky if they were different colours instead of icky brown/black/tan. For example if the cockroach was red with black stripes, or yellow with green dots, or blue with purple swirls, you would be less inclined to scream and run away but instead you would think 'oh cool' and perhaps take a closer look. If the looked pretty would we still reach for the nearest killing device that would insure that we don't touch it while you smush it into a pulp to make sure it fully dies, or would we trap it and set it free like a ladybug.

So cockroaches I understand your apparently evolutionary geniuses that can live through anything (nuclear blast) and on anything (garbage, decomposing things, tooth paste, Twinkies, their own young). But I would suggest you take the next step and improve your wardrobe  because otherwise we will continue to try and kill you with everything we have. Because you're icky.


  1. Horrible creatures for sure! Love Grandma

  2. I am surprised you didn't paint them. Can you image the conversations on Monday. They could have been added to the set.
