Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 8: Angkor Wat!

Sorry for the late updates, I've been busy and then blogger decided to hate me. 

So we arrived in Siem Riep at 3am after our bus ride decided to extend its trip for an extra 6 hours! 

We had planned that friday we were going to go to the Temples of Angkor Wat. Its tradition to get up and watch the sun rise across the temples which means that you wake up some where around the 4am range at your hotel and then go to the temples. Which meant we got to our hotel slept an hour and a half woke up threw on clothes, and grabbed our tuk-tuk to go to the temples. It was amazing. But I was exhausted. The down side was the sunrise wasn't even that great so I really got 1 and half hours of sleep for nothing. 

The temples were built in the 11th century and was a part of a city complex that stretched for miles, it sense has been abandoned, taken over by jungle and then once again explore and become a major tourist destination. 

"I can't believe I woke up at 4:30am for this..."

And this is where blogger decided not to let me upload anymore pictures...

But essentially what you see are cool temples where trees grow out of the sides of walls and temples that have giant heads all around and more ruins and myself pretending to be Laura Croft Tomb Raider (after all it was filmed here). 

After the temples we were finally able to get money, surprisingly money exchangers aren't open at 3am, or 4:30am, who knew. The there we took a much needed nap for several hours. When we woke up we went for dinner at a wonderful restaurant that served Cambodian food, which is amazing! Its like a French-Thai fusion without quite as much spice as Thai food. Its still spicy, but you won't feel like you've been attacked with a biological weapon spicy. Then we explored the night markets, which were a great mix of clothes, handy-crafts, spices, jewelry, and tourist stuff. 

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