Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 6: Pakse, the Bolaven Plateau.

 So the night before in Paske we went on a search to find something to do the next day. We found a couple places that were actually open. Yay! But unfortunately they informed us that because there was just 2 of us it was too few people to run any kind of tour. So we went on a hunt to find other tourist would we could convince to do stuff with us the next day. Lets just say it was more difficult than you would think. Because the next day (aka Day 6) there was going to be a massive dragon boat races going on all day for the festival. By this point we had started to hate the festival and dragon boat races. They just seemed to ruin all travel plans.

We meet a group of french tourists who suggest that we rent some motor bikes and drive out the Bolaven Plateau where we could see some waterfalls. They had done it the day before and said it was pretty fun. So that was our game plan if we could find anyone else to book a tour with. The only problem being that Natalie had never driven one that was standard, and I have never drove a motorbike standard or other wise. So it was going to be an adventure, where we possibly might end up stranded somewhere.

Just when all hope was lost as we walked back to our hotel for the night we saw a couple enter a tourist center, on the off chance they would want to do something we went in, and as luck would have it this German couple was also looking for a tour and needed 2 other people!
Tea Plantation

The workers hoe the grass into the soil to add nutriance and to avoid veins from growing on the tea plants. 

Where the tea is laid out to dry

Tea tasting with the german couple and the tea master seen standing in the back with his wife. They are originally from Vietnam and came to Laos during the war as refugees. 

Coffee Beans

In each fruit are two of the beans.

The healthiest cows I've seen in asia


At the beginning of our jungle hike

Our guide Kham insisted that he help me across. 

So remember that giant waterfall that you just saw up there, well this is the ledge to it, just 15 away is over  a 100 foot drop. Our guide didn't seem to get why this might be a safety concern. 

As we finally emerged out of the jungle this was our view. 

Another waterfall!

These are the steps down to the waterfall base, years of mist has left them covered in algae.  And there was several close call from all of us walking down. 

Swim Time! The water was very cool, but incredibly refreshing. 

We went to a market, these are traditional medicines to treat illnesses. 

We went to an area where there are traditional Laos housing on display, many people still live in homes like this. 

Suspension bridge to the next waterfall.  It had a lot of give to it. 
Last waterfall of the day

We got back in Pakse just in time to see the final rounds of the Dragon Boat races. 

We had an amazing adventure! 

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