Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 3.5: The Sleeper Bus

So that night we left Vientiane and headed to the town of Savannakhet. We choose to go by overnight bus to optimize time exploring and so we wouldn't waste a day on a bus. What in Canada or the States would take you around 4 hours to drive, in Laos it took 9 hours. Because they believe small engines in big buses are a good idea. And even though the roads are paved 30km and hour is the norm.

Little did we know when we planned this that we would be traveling in luxury!

Thats right, our bus came with bunk beds! Forget Greyhound and Megabus, this is how you do overnight bus trip. 

 Now heres the down side to this situation, that bunk which is narrower than a twin bed, and measures about 5 feet 5 inches in length is meant for 2 people. So that night me and Natalie got real cozy as we squished in to our bunk. The other hilarious thing is that if you do not have a travel companion they put a random next to you. Awkward.

So after a night of interrupted sleep from the bus lurking, making random stops, and the snores from the other people we arrive in Savannakhet. At 5am. Of course nothing is open, nothing opens until 8am there. So we took a tuk-tuk to the downtown and watched the sunrise.

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