Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 1: Kuala Lumpur

We had friday off for the holiday, making our last week a short one, which was great because a) our students were useless and had stopped producing any work and b) it meant we got to leave for vacation one day earlier.

So I wake up early that morning, finish packing and ready to leave on a 10 day excursion to Laos and Cambodia. But first we would spend one night in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Our principal picked me and my travel partner Nat up at 8am and we went to the airport 40 minutes away from our town. 

We arrived with out a hitch, waited for our shuttle for a lengthy amount of time, got to our hotel and then headed into the city. We had booked our hotel near the airport because of our early morning flight the next day, the only downside is the airport is no where near the city, which meant a cab ride then train trip to get to the cool stuff. Once there we explored the city, went to china town markets, little India, saw the Petronas Towers. 
Two of my coworker and fellow Canadians who also spent the day with us in KL.
In the back you can see China Town

China Town KL

At night the city is lit up with light strung from buildings and the tress. 

Chicken FIsh!
Sold to us by a wonderful street vendor, named because it sorta tastes more like chicken than fish.

So this wonderful adventure in to Kuala Lumpur (a city I definitely want to spend more time in) end with what can only be described as the most awkward cab ride ever back to the hotel. There was 6 of us from school that had a day layover in KL we all stayed at the same hotel, which as I mentioned before was about a 45 minute drive outside of the city. So in order to save money and insure that we all stayed together and no one got kidnapped and murdered we decided to all share a cab back. Now in North America this would be a bit of tight squeeze. Now add into this equation that all 6 of us are trying to fit into a cab in asia, where I, a 5 foot, size 2 woman is considered on the larger side for a girl. Trying to get us in was like tetras. I ended up squished in front on the lap of the bigger of the to guys hunched over because the roof was so low. The back seat could only really be described as a pile of people. So for 45 minutes we endured this while our cabby blared the 90s love ballads.

Upon our arrival back at our hotel our cabby insisted that he took our picture in front of his cab. I'm sure it is now on Facebook with a caption that reads like "Look at the insane white people that all fit into my cab."

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