Monday, November 4, 2013


       My first visitors arrived a week ago, my dad and step-mom flew into Clark airport late Monday night/actually it was Tuesday morning. I rented a car that day and drove the forty five minutes down to get them. 

       While coming back from the airport I made a left turn where I shouldn't have. Traffic laws are different in every town making it hard to guess which things change after 10pm or 12am change, which places allow for U-turns. There are places where signalling is not really a big deal but speeding is, and then the next town over it may be the opposite. And then there's Manila where everything goes. So in Clark at 1am I guessed my traffic law wrong and turned left where I shouldn't have. And at every interaction in Clark there are apparently police posted there. So they signalled for me to pull over by stepping onto the road and whistling at me. Which rule number one of driving in a 3rd world country never pull over for the cops. So I dodged them for the next 3 intersections, which was easy because they were on foot.

Welcome to the Philippines!

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