Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Dangers of Being an Art Teacher

I started clay with the grade 6s. We're doing slab work, making a box that looks like a Christmas present. They're very excited. Very needy. And still believe in Santa?

Normally when you cut clay you do it with one of these:

We don't have those because they never arrived with my supply order. So instead I was using this:

Which is just aluminum sculpture wire, around the same gage as what a clay wire cutter would be. 

Mistake. Those wooden handles are there for a reason and not just for grip. No, they are there to prevent you from cutting your hand when you cut the clay. So now I have a nice little cut that spans over the palm side of my right fingers. Its shallow, but it's making life difficult. I managed to get the clay cut and on a bright note I managed not to bleed on the clay. 

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