Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bohol Day 2: Alona Beach

The second day I slept in a little, got up had breakfast, then wondered the beach which is where I came across some local children playing on the bonca boats. I read my book and had lunch with Dad and Terri. 

After lunch we had the hotel drive us to Alona beach, also on Panglo. It's the tourist hotspot, with nice beach, hotels, restaurants, bars and massage places on the beach.  

After sunset we went to Bohol Bee Farm for dinner. The food was amazing and Dad and Terri got to try their first Halo-Halo. Its a very popular filippino dessert. Halo-Halo literally means mix-mix and it is and ice cream dish with shaved ice, fruit, gummies, sugar, other stuff. The only 2 things that need to be in there is ice cream and shaved ice, the rest changes on the location. 

1 comment:

  1. A good time was had by all from the looks of things. The scenery is breathtaking! Love Grandma
