Monday, August 18, 2014

The New Place

By the time we had got through customs, got the bags and drove to the apartment it was around 10pm. I was brought to my place, was given a quick tour and left for the night. The place is small compared to what I was used to. Of course having your own house kinda spoils you. It was a small one bedroom apartment with a tiny kitchen, small bath, little living room and only one cupboard for the whole place. It was a bit of an adjustment. What a normal person would have done at 10 o'clock at night would have been got to bed and sleep. But I instead started to plan how to make this place better. And being true to my roots, I kept thinking "if I could only knock down that wall this place would be so much better!" Unfortunately building owners don't usually appreciate when you do those things,so now I just have to live with the awkward wall. I have developed several ideas on how to fix it, mostly which involves buying a lot of shelves from Ikea.

When it got a little later in the evening I opened up my bags, found what I needed, put sheets on the bed, and try to figure out the air conditioning. It was broken. So when its 42 degrees, this is awful. I didn't get much sleep. I drank a lot of water, took several showers which is when I discovered that the shower door was broken and didn't close. So I flooded my bathroom floor a bit. And just sweat a lot. At 5am the construction on the building next door started, I opened my curtains on the window to see what was going on. Thats when the curtains, rod and all came tumbling down off the wall. Turns out the bracket was broken. They now sit in a pile under the window still waiting for repair.

My place is like a ticking time bomb. I'm never sure what cupboard I'm going to open next and the door fall off. I've now been informed that my apartment used to be owned by a single guy who was a "disaster of a guy"(direct quote) so this is why my place is falling apart and smells like smoke and has questionable stains on most surfaces. We're currently working on these problems. The building manager and me are soon going to be best friends. On the plus side, another woman found what was clogging her drain was used condoms, so at least I didn't have that problem...yet. The joys of living in  single's housing, its like living in University res all over again. Haha

My bedroom. Here you can see the construction next door. My bed is in desperate need of a bed skirt. And I still have one suitcase of clothes that wouldn't fit. Ikea shelves to be put together soon (hopefully) to fix this problem. 

Here you have a view of my living/dinning area.

Here's the kitchen, and the Ikea shelves that have yet to be put together. 

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