Friday, August 1, 2014


I visited our nation's capital. This was all in the attempt to obtain my work visa for the coming school year. Yet another joy of international teaching. So I cashed in some of my airmiles for a hotel downtown. Which turned out to be super fancy. And I'm definitely become a hotel snob, because despite its luxurious spa bathroom and huge king size bed I was kinda disappointed by the lack off pillow menu and daily free water. Oh well, I didn't really pay for it. 

I was in Ottawa for about 2 and half days, most of which was spent running around from the Kuwait embassy to various government buildings getting things signed, authenticated and finally submitted. The people at the embassy were super helpful and on my last night there I got a message while I was at a play that my visa was ready for pick up. So following the conclusion of 'The Book of Mormon' I  made my way at 11pm to pick up my passport from the Kuwait embassy. Just your average friday evening in Ottawa. 

Upon further inspection the next day it appears that I was mistaken issued the wrong visa, this issue has yet to be sorted out. On the bright side I can get into the country. Now its only once, for two months. But we'll figure that out later. 

While in Ottawa I also had the chance to go to some of my favourite spots. One of those being the National Gallery. As an art teacher and a sorta artist I always love making it to galleries every chance I get. It always gives me new inspiration for myself and the classroom. While there I also found a great book on Contemporary female artist from the Middle East. Perfect for my students. And brings my grand total of text books that I'm bringing to Kuwait to too many. I'm hoping that I can negotiate with the baggage counter guy that as a 115 lbs woman I should be allowed a couple of extra pounds because I'm under the assumed 160 lbs weight of each passenger. And hopefully he'll overlook the fact that my suitcases are going to be over weight. In my experience it works about 75% of the time. 

 Also while in Ottawa I was able to see the annual military performance on parliament hill "Fortissimo". Various military bands from the various branches of the Canadian forces perform musical numbers ranging from classical numbers to the Jackson 5 to the Game of Thrones theme song, all along with artillery fire just to make it extra exciting.

I was told about earlier in the day as I walk past parliament hill on my way to one of my many government building stops. It started at 7:30pm so that evening I got take sushi brought my book and got the hill at 7 in order to insure a good seat. When I got there it seemed like everyone else in Ottawa had this same idea. 6:30 may have been a better choice. I was resigned to the standing area unfortunately. However, it was a great show and it left me feeling very patriotic. Once it ended at 9:30, it was only half an hour until the light show started, I stuck around, and luckily several people left the bleachers, giving me a chance to get a seat. Following my evening I was filled with a great since of Canadian pride, so I did what any Canadian would do and headed down to the ByWard  market (quickly to try and avoid the large line) and got my self a Beaver Tail. It was delicious and there needs to be more of these around.

I also explored the ByWard market, did some serious shopping, saw the musical 'The Book of Mormon' (it was hilarious), and had dinner with an old friend from high school who was in the area. After my 2 nights in Ottawa I headed back to the lake, for some serious family time. 

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