Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I'll admit that I've been a lazy teacher these last 2 weeks or so.  It also happens to be the end of the year where a lot of projects start to get handed in. What this resulted in was 20 projects from my 7 different classes, all still waiting for me to mark them.

Yesterday I decided to tackle this mountain. I packed a dinner for myself and planned on staying at school until I got it done. As an art teacher I'm sometimes jealous of my colleagues who can take home their essays and lay on the couch as they get their work. Can you imagine me trying to carry home a class set of paintings to grade. It's a little more difficult. Anyways my plans for an all nighter may have been a little ambitious considering the 20 projects I needed to get through. I got through 11 projects, and stayed at school what many people would consider far too late. I got home passed out.

Just 9 more to go...

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