Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Count Down's On

2 more weeks left of school

2 more weeks until this...

And this...

And this...

And then finally one month until this...

Yes things are coming to an end. In exactly one month from today I will touch down at Pearson International, the greatest airport in the world, because you know that at the end of baggage claim and customs and having to deal with far too many people who don't understand how airports work, there will always be family waiting for you at the end! Ok, so this may not be true for everybody... But it is for me and its glorious.

But before all this I'm celebrating the end of my first teaching contract abroad by going Indonesia for two weeks, in particular: Java, Bali and Lombok for a whirl wind self-created tour (I'm starting to get good at these) of various art workshops, temples, monkeys, dancing, and beaches. After which I'll head back to the Philippines for 2 days to get things in order, and then leave forever (or at least a while to very long time).

But before all this fun happens there's still 2 weeks left of school, exams, and report cards. On top of that I'm packing up my house, selling off my stuff, figuring out international shipping and cancelling all my stuff here.

I'll have seven weeks at home this summer before I head off onto my next adventure, which will be a little more like this...

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see you enjoying the moment. Looking forward to your safe return! Love Grandma
