Thursday, January 16, 2014

Notes from Vacation

Christmas in Canada, it was beautiful, but it was cold. 
Then I went to Pangloa, Philippines for my friend Sam's wedding. 
And unfortunately it was pouring rain the entire weekend. 

Oasis resort where I stayed

There was a brief hope that the weather was turning nice, 
so we went for a walk along the beach, 
unfortunately it began to rain, so we took shelter at a restaurant for lunch. 

The wedding

Subic girls.

Up next:

-Hong Kong next weekend
-Taiwan the following weekend for Chinese New Year. 
-Dubai at the end of February. 
-Inspire students to create masterpieces

At some point in all of this I need to find a job for next year... 

1 comment:

  1. Oh to be young again! Have a blast! Love Grandma. P.S. Loved the pictures
