Monday, January 27, 2014

Hong Kong

This past weekend I was in Hong Kong with two of the teacher I work with for a conference for international teachers. I love Hong Kong, the public transit is amazing, there's a huge art scene, the city is bustling and efficient. People are just the right amount of rude that you don't feel like your in some creepy loving twilight zone but its not like you are unwelcome. Green space in incorporated into to the city so a hiking trail and the woods are never too far off. As a young white woman I'm not special at all, not one stars at you or tries to take pictures with you, I'm just one of many different young foreigners. The food is great, things are cheap and anything you could ever want is there. So, I went shopping, ate a lot of great food, wandered the city and saw a bunch of art. Here are some of the pictures from that trip.

During Chinese New Year, flower markets pop up in Hong Kong all around the city in various parks. These markets allow for people to gather the perfect blooms and orange trees to decorate their homes. This one was across from our hotel and boasted flowers, games, food and displays. We wondered through the night before the big unveiling during set up.

Here some students are setting up a large paper mache horse, after all it is the year of the horse. 

Ladies Market. Here I dropped some money on a couple new bags for myself, if you want knock off fashion items here's where you go.

Paper cut out art. Theres pop-up cards are made incredibly elaborate and all done with paper. 

On the last day after the conference I went for a walk along the Harbour, then to the Hong Kong Museum of Art. 

This woman's job is to scrap the gum off the cobbles that the people spit on the ground. 
At the end of the weekend my feet were soar and I was tired, the 2:45am arrival back to Subic didn't help. But I had a great time.

Up next Taipei for Chinese New Year!

1 comment:

  1. amazing pictures. Especially like the one of the wee tot eating ice cream. Love Grandma
