Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Life of a Traveler

Last night I got home from my friend's birthday celebration and remembered that I was flying out to Taipei tomorrow, right after school. So at 10:30 I started to pack. At 11:00pm I realized that I had no clue where my passport was.  I knew it was in the country because I got back into the Philippines on Sunday night, but where was the real question. I tore apart my place looking for it. Some how in my 2:45am arrival from Hong Kong this past weekend it ended up in my bathroom cupboard. How, I don't know, but at 11:30ish I found it. I'm partially blaming my maid, because I can.

Anyways I leave in an hour and a half, now that I'm packed with passport in hand for Taipei.

Also I realized today that as of today in the month of January this will be my 7th plane ride.

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