Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What I've Been Up To

So on the rain days my classroom roof leaked. Of course only in the areas were there was student work was piled. There were a lot of crumpled wrinkly stained/ruined drawing.  It was a mess.  My grade 6s cried.  Which of course violated my rule of "There's no crying in the art room".  I had no idea what to do, this is why I should only teach high school.

Then there was report card writing, which ate up all my spare time.  And those 2 rain days we had where I was going to write reports I couldn't because the school server wasn't working. So that got crammed into a couple of days of hell. 

Then post report cards several of us left for Manila were we attended a birthday party for a friends 2 year old son. After which was a whirl wind of all things Manila. We shopped, ate, danced, more food, more shopping, spa, art class, and then home. 

Then the school had spirt week, where the kids were all hyped up on sugar and free dress. But I participated, even becoming a PE teacher for career day. 

This past weekend I proctored the SATs on Saturday, from 7-2. Brutal, its boring, all you do is watch them and hope someone cheats so you at least have something to do and deal with. But all 30 students behaved and I'm pretty sure I was the happiest person in the room when I called "time's up put your pencils down." After which I went to the beach. Read my book enjoyed one of the few days of sunshine. 

Monday was parent teacher conference I had 6 parents sign up for interviews. 5 more show up and try and lie about them having sign up. I have no problem with them dropping by, but I think we can identify where their children's issues with following procedure/organization/lying may come from. 

Last night I hosted book club for the book 419 by Will Ferguson. It was by addition to this years reading list, a Canadian author. People enjoyed the book, the food was great. The roast I made turned out despite the fact that my oven kept turning off. There was a lot of panic and yelling, and eventually the pilot light decided to stay on. I miss quality appliances. Luckily I'm stealing a friend's kitchen this weekend for Canadian Thanksgiving. This way I may have an oven that will work the entire time. 

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