Monday, October 14, 2013


The bird going into the oven. My friend Lauren graciously let my use her's because it has consistent heat and doesn't die half way through. 

This whole weekend we've been threatened with the possibility of a typhoon that was supposed to be headed straight for us. School was cancelled on Friday in preparation for it. It never really came, it rained a little here and there, but they typhoon seems to have had other plans. So we planned on having our Thanksgiving dinner outside on the patio at sunset! If the trees don't have colours, at least the sky will. 

Then 10 minutes to show time and the bird is still not done. It takes another hour for it to finish. In the mean time people arrive we set up the tables, begin to snack on the food. Finally the bird id the right temperature and all fear of possibly giving everyone food poisoning is gone. 

So as I leave the patio to go get the turkey the sky quickly changes from blue to black and it begins to pour. I look up and theres a mad rush of people grabbing tales and food heading into Lauren's small apartment. In the end everything was great, awesome food, good conversation and plenty of left overs!

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