Monday, January 14, 2013

First Day Back!

Why Today Was Awesome:

  1. When I checked my mail box expecting to find the usual bills I came across not 1, but 2 amazing Christmas cards sent from 2 of my very amazing friends in Canada. Who doesn't love mail, let alone international mail!
  2. One of my students brought me back a souvenir from their Christmas vacation to Singapore. It was a  key chain because he said I always am carrying around my keys but they're not very colourful, and as an art teacher I need colourful keys. 
  3. My one student who struggles with art over the break went to an art show where he was super inspired and created a slide show to show the class all about the sculptures he saw. It was amazing. 
  4. While all the teachers scrambled to get in their final grade and comments for 4 pm, I could relax because I had finished mine before I left for vacation!
  5. The carpenter came by and dropped off stretcher for the art project 2 weeks early!

Things that made the day less awesome...
  1. Having to reexplain how my laptop got stolen over and over again.
  2. Finding out that the school will not reimburse or replace the laptop because it was not stolen on school property. 
  3. The giant stack of bills in my mailbox
  4. The fact I don't have functional sinks in my classroom. 
  5. There are only 2 students left in my grade 8 art class, the rest switched to drama...

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