Thursday, October 25, 2012


Tomorrow I set off for my adventure to Laos and Cambodia.  I'll see cool stuff, learn about new things, eat strange food, see elephants and temples, and attempt to not get seriously sick or injured. 

Which means tonight in true Dana fashion, I am packing tonight. I hate packing. Its probably one of my top ten things I hate, somewhere below anything that involves running and above cleaning out the compost bucket. I thought about having my maid (or yaya as they are called here in the philippines) do it for me. But then i determined that I would probably end up with the weirdest assortment of items ever. So during my school day I put together a list of things to bring, it reads as follows:

  • PASSPORT (plus weird card)
  • underwear x 8 (I just realized that should actually be 9)
  • Whatever you do, REMEMBER TO REMOVE KNIFE FROM BAG (its a bigger concern that one would think)
  • sunscreen --- every kind you own
  • floppy hat   (axed because it takes up too much space)
  • 8 shirts
  • dress
  • 2 shorts
  • light air dry pants that swish
  • socks
  •  real shoes
  • MONEY $$$
  • camera x 2
  • batteries
  • Stuff incase foreign bugs try and kill me
  • Converters --- bring every kind because Loas is apparently f***ed and doesn't know how to unify a country's electrical system. 

1 comment:

  1. Sure you will have a fabulous vacation. Look forward to seeing some pictures on your return. Love Grandma
