Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So last night I load two videos for my art classes, one was from my grade 7 class, the other was for my grade 12. One was on the history of painting, the other on creating the human form. So I had my grade 7s in the morning, I got them started on the project went to set up up the video.

 Those of you who know me, knows that technology and me have a dysfunctional relationship. Things don't always work as they should, i become frustrated, it works less. So there I was struggling  with the technology for a while, trying to get the machine to turn on, jiggling cords on the projector, pressing the on/off button like a crazy person and final it starts. Next came the speakers which were also temperamental. It doesn't help that all my equipment has been ordered from all over the world and they are all plugged in via a random series of outlet converters and voltage adaptors. Then after my flustered attempts to get the audio to work everything seems to be working and I hit play on my laptop.

I wandered back to my desk, check to make sure students were working, there was silence and they seemed to be interested. When I finally sit down I realize that the video that is playing is the one meant for the grade 12 students. Which meant that currently my immature grade 7s were now staring at images of the Venus of Willendorf and it's talking about the exaggerated breast, and then Cezanne's 'The Bathers' and several other nudes along side clothed figures.

Ooops... Hopefully no parents complain!

1 comment:

  1. What an art lesson for the "younger" set! I too hate things that don't work the first time. Sooooooooooo frustrating! Love Grandma
