Monday, October 8, 2012

Creepy Crawly

So last night I was up late making food for our thanksgiving potluck, which was going to be held after school on Monday. So naturally while I chop up things for the stuffing I Skyped my brother, and as we're just starting to talk I see something on my counter move. So I naturally angle my computer so he can see the large black bug on my counter. As I get a closer look, I realize that this is not ordinary bug, it is in fact a scorpion. And as far as scorpions go, its small, and if you watch Kratts' Creatures as I kid religiously like I did then there's a large chance that you will remember that the smaller the scorpion the more likely the venom is to kill you.

So I momentarily panic as I try to figure out the best possible way to kill it without it killing me.
After some quick deliberations I decide on a large spray can of cleaner with a flat bottom. I approach with extreme caution, aim and squish. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough with the squish, and it proceeded to half hide under my microwave, probably pissed off which I'm gonna guess is the last thing you want a scorpion to be. Meanwhile in my mind I'm wonder what will happen if i get stung and if the local hospital has scorpion anti-venom. Well eventually to my comfort it came out from under the microwave and it was squished to bits.

Today I was informed by my gardener that there is a 2 1/2 foot brown poisonous snake living in the bush beside my house a mere 4 feet from my front door. Welcome to the jungle!


  1. places i never want to live.......WHERE YOU DO!

  2. Never a dull moment eh! Glad you got to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. Now you get to have two Thanksgivings. Love Grandma

  3. It's thanksgiving not Halloween yet.
