Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Americans Have A Better Banking System

Now you may think I've gone crazy or started watching far too much FOX News (one of the few english channels I get) but right now its how I feel. The Americans have a better banking system.

Now you might be inclined to point out the economic/banking meltdown of 2008. Or that there are 10 zillion banks through out the US that don't seem to have any safe guards in place and quote a bunch of other things that prove that the Canadian system is 10 times better and more stable because of all our regulations. And yes international community thinks we're better, and yes the world has turned to Canadians to fix problems. But currently I hate it.

Why because my american co-workers got their pay transferred to them on Friday which arrived in their banks on Saturday (which was actually Friday in the states).  I however got my pay wired to me on Friday, but I have to wait until the wire transfer goes through all kinds of regulations and checks because thats what our system does, it checks things and takes forever in the off chance that I'm an arms dealer and being paid money by a company like "We Sell Drugs" or "Human Trafficking R US", not that any criminal organization would name their company that. But you get the point. (please note that I'm a teacher being paid by a school, with no criminal ties)

Not that I need the money now, but I would like to know in a kidnapping/hostage situation where large sums of cash would have to be transferred in order to save my life that it could be done swiftly. Instead while all my American counterparts are let go I will remain and have to try and explain to the angry men with automatic weapons and machetes that the money's been transferred its just going to take some time because its a Canadian system.

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