Thursday, August 23, 2012


So one of the best perks about international teaching is that in foreign countries they really embrace the idea of holidays. Where in North America they are really struck about how many days you have to teach out of the year, and that there must be a significant reason as to why you have a day off school, here that's not really an issue.

This is why last weekend was a 4 day weekend, followed by 3 teaching days, and then yet again another long weekend! Do I know what they're for? No. But everything still seems to function the same, so they can't be that important.

Unfortunately my passport is in limbo, in the process of getting my work visa, which means I can't really go anywhere. But on the plus side 3 day work weeks are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a dream job. Think of the possibilities when you get your work visa! Enjoy every minute. Love Grandma
