Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh Canada....

This morning when I checked my email there was a email from the Canadian Government. As a Canadian citizen who is registered living abroad in the Philippines they like to send me fun little updates and safety tips.

This email warned me that there is a Typhoon going on in Manila. Which is nice, but the Typhoon has already been going on since Monday, its now Wednesday. So they're a little late on the updates. The other piece of information was that if I was currently in an area of sever flood and require emergency assistance that there is a number to call.

Which is a comforting thought. Then I realized that if I was in an emergency flood disaster situation, I would be in at least 3 feet of water, with goal force winds. Which would mean that there would be no power. Which would mean there would be no internet. Which would mean that I would not get this email because it was sent 3 days into the Typhoon and extreme flooding had already taken place. And even if I did have a smart phone (which I currently do not) i would have probably already have dropped it into the flood, which would have rendered it useless and I would have no way of knowing the number to call.

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