Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Off on my Adventure!

So I’m currently sitting in the Pearson airport, waiting to start my epic 36 hours of travel.  I have followed in the family tradition of creating a blog when abroad.  Here you will be able to check in with, see what’s going on and hopefully reassure you that although I have travelled to a foreign country where there are earthquakes, volcanos, and typhoons that I am still alive (don’t worry it’s not in the region I live).  That being said, don’t expect the most regular blog posts.

For those who are uniformed, I have taken a 2 year contract as the High School Art Teacher for Brent International School at the Subic campus in the PHILIPPINES!  If you haven’t already done so you should google it, become jealous and then come visit me.  It’s that pretty (hopefully).

As I sit here waiting to start my new life and adventure in the Philippines here are the few things I look forward to:
  • ·         TEACHING ART!
  • ·         No longer living in a construction zone!
  • ·         Not having to shovel myself out of the house after a snow storm!
  • ·         No more -50!
  • ·         Possibly getting a tan???

Things I’m going to miss:
  • ·         Sweet cereal
  • ·         Mosquitoes that don’t carry malaria
  • ·         Family and Friends
  • ·         Kraft Peanut Butter
  • ·         And this view…. 

View form the dock, Clear Lake Canada


  1. We can't wait to read about your adventures!!! Until then, HAPPY FLYING!!!! xoxo

  2. Ah yes... the comfort of malaria free mosquitoes... nothing quite like it.
