Monday, July 30, 2012

Foreign Signs

I always find that when traveling anywhere, whether it be to the States or a third whorl country, one of the most hilarious things you encounter are weird signs.  My personal favorite is what is used here in the Philippines to indicate  a speed bump.

In case you can't quite make it out (I was taking this in a bit of a downpour) that sign looks like a mustache. Please note that speed bumps in the Philippines look the exact same as speed bumps anywhere else, one single raise part of the road.  Ironically the sign that posted near my house is right be for a playground. So I like to think of it less as "WARNING: Speed Bump Ahead" and more like "WARNING: Potentially Creepy Pedophiles Around" 

1 comment:


    That, and you're all ready for MOVEMBER!!! haha
