Saturday, December 7, 2013


Today is my first day off in 2 weeks. Between the various art shows, middle school, high school, IB Art (one of which was at the local mall), Field Trips and SAT proctoring today is the first time I can relax and didn't have to set an alarm for way too early in the morning.

There's a total of 2 weeks left of school, and its going to be pure chaos, final projects for students, exams, report card writing. Did I mention I agreed to help chaperon an overnight trip to a turtle sanctuary? Oh well, it should be fun.

It doesn't feel like December here, so of course I've put off my Christmas shopping which may or may not start today (if you have requests of what you want let me know). But more importantly I need to go buy food so there's something besides peanut butter and frozen cauliflower in my house and a massage is much needed.

Art all ready to go set up for the show early Saturday morning. I had planned on
getting a picture of the show set up, but things go a little busy. 

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