Monday, September 2, 2013

Potipot Island

Look what I found this past Saturday...

This 10lb clam shell was a find on a beach trip to Potipot Island located a 3 hour drive up the coast.

Now google maps may tell you that this drive will only take you just under 2 hours, but that doesn't take into consideration the Jeepneys, Trikes, Carabao and Goats that you have to navigate around and dodge. So this is why we left Subic at 7, which by the time we had gassed and Starbucksed up it was actually more like 8 we set out on our 3 hour tour of wild driving up the coast, where several of our new teachers were in shock of what rural driving here entails we arrived at our destination. With only one wrong turn (sometimes google wants to send you down foot paths).

And here's the island, small but perfect. We took that bonka boat across, and were able to stay there for about 5 hours of relaxing, exploring and swimming. 

But the best part was on my 20 minute walk around Potipot Island. Whenever I go to a beach I usually spend some time search for shells to add to my collection, but this time I came across something rather special. After seeing a shell that really interesting pink stripes I bent down to further inspect. I quickly noticed that it went down under the sand. After some careful excavation I pulled out a 10 pound shell about the size of my head. Then looking down I began to see more of them half buried down this section of the beach.  I quickly ran around pulling several of them out of the sand, there was enough for each of us with still some left over for whoever comes next. Everyone looked through and choose their own. They ranged in size a little, some bigger than mine, but I kept the first one I discovered because the colour. Plus the idea of having to lug a 15 pound shell back was a little less appealing.  

It was a fun day, I got a bit of colour and giant shell out of it. And on our drive back home I quickly passed out in the back seat of the car. Only to wake up the occasional sounds associated with that of Philippines driving.
"Oh Shit, there's a goat!"
Honk! Honk!
"Guys I think we're going down the wrong way in a one way street."
Quick brake
"How do people not have lights on moving vechiles!"
"Sir what do mean the bridge is no longer there"
"Yes ma'am-sir detour, bridge is gone"
"But we just drove on it this morning."
"Yes ma'am-sir."
Honk Honk

Welcome back to the Philippines, it's always an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. what a find. Glad to hear you still collect shells. Love Grandma
