Thursday, February 7, 2013

Home Sick

The last couple of days I've been feeling a little blah, today I woke up and that blah turn to sick, but being hardcore like I am, I thought I would tough it out, because making sub plans are annoying. Having to run out of my first period class 3 time to go throw up, kinda proved that powering through was not an option.

So I've been sent home with power-aid, anti-nausea medication (which i haven't tried yet cause foreign pills scare me), and a thing of soup.

This flu better get done soon, because it's ruining my beach plans this weekend.


  1. Take care Dana Doodle. Keep fluids going in. Hugs being sent through the air. Love you mom

  2. Hey Hon Hope you r feeling better. Keep drinking fluids. Hugs being sent your way Love mom
