Friday, September 7, 2012


So today I was taken to go have an interview in order to obtain my work visa other wise know as an Alien Employment Permit. We were told all these random things that we should lie about or not tell the interviewer. So I was driven to this sketchy location which was intact an old US army bomb shelter, that now the labour department uses. I was all ready to create this cover story and be all James Bond-esk as I walked down this dark reinforced hallways.

When I got to the place and the interviewer arrived it turned out my 'spy skills' were not necessary. Turns out the woman was interested in immigrating to Canada and just kept asking me questions about my home and the weather and if she would have to learn french as she signed all the paper work just inthralled about the fact that we have snow and that it last for several month of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Fun and games in different lands. Glad you are legally working there. Love Grandma
