Friday, September 14, 2012

Humidity + Hair= Lion Mane

So this is what my hair looks like with the humidity, every, all day, sometimes its worse. Its never better. 

 So obviously I often wear my hair in a bun to allow myself to see and keep things from getting tangled in it. (I'll be honest with you there is a small fear of having large tropical bugs flying into my hair and getting caught in there. Likelihood of that happing probably in the range of 2 to 4%, but still its a concern) 
So for the past month my several of my very concerned grade 9 female student have told me, "miss, you know you can do something about your hair. You should really look into it."
To which I often reply: "Are you saying there is something wrong with my hair." Which often result in a hilarious look of shock and horror like I told them they're about to fail the class, or I murdered the last student that told me that.

But over the past few weeks my hair has been getting progressively more tangled, which can only lead to dreadlocks, and let's be honest, I'm not that kind of art teacher. So I went with one of the other teacher at the school to her hair dresser. When i arrived and took my hair down all the women shocked, and concerned about the state of my hair, and all they kept saying was "this is not healthy". After she insisted that it would be impossible to cut my hair in its current state, I agreed to get my hair "Brazilianed" which is a less harsh way of chemically straightening it. Thats right I, Dana, have straight hair. Its weird.

Ok, so its not perfectly straight, but we're going from a main to this. If you had hair eating your face for the past month and a half (also most of my life) you would feel a little strange too.  Also you might notice the difference in length. This is what many of the teacher referr to as the "Shit-I-have-to-cut-white-people-hair trim". Although you may ask for half an inch your going to loose closer to 4, until they get it right and it no longer looks awkward. 


  1. I have to say that your hair is beautiful. Many people would love to have your natural curls. I always envied Grandpa's curls. But, a person has to do what is best for them. Love Grandma

  2. I think you're GORGEOUS - mane or NO MANE! xoxo

  3. You have straightened hair. It's so Asian of you. I am pleased.
