Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Around Ubud

One of the days I went and toured around Ubud to the various temples, volcanos and rice terraces. Having learned form my previous motor bike experience I hired a Taxi to take me around for the day for $35. It was a much more comfortable and safer option than motor bike.
The Rice Terraces outside of Ubud. There's no Banaue, Philippines, but they still have some great views with out the mountain climb in to see them. 

This woman asked for donations to help maintain the tourists path, when I drop a large amount of coins in her bucket she seemed disappointed with my contribution. 

How the farmers haul around the rice 

After the Terraces I went to a small coffee plantation. Bali is supposed to have some of the best coffee in the world. Here they create the most expensive coffee in the world where beans are feed to the civet, pooped out and then collected roast. 
Coffee Beans


Roasting the Beans
For $5 I could try little samplers of some of their various flavours of coffee, they roast them with different herbs and/or spices to give them different tastes. I like the vanilla roast best. And yes I did try the cat poo coffee, and did not notice anything special about it.

Next was a temple carved in to the rock cliff.

Next there was the holy water temple. People make their way into the water and perform prayers at each water spout making there way down the whole row. 

I had lunch at this place over looking the volcano. You can see where the most recent lava flow has left the Earth scored. 

Stop at a small village, decorated for the festival 

Bamboo Forest

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