Thursday, June 19, 2014

Indo: Yogyakarta

After the ice cream bar mishap, my case of food poisoning seemed to take a turn for the better! In my experience it's usually only a 24 hour thing that leaves you feeling tired but very much functional the next day. Which was good because I had full exciting day of exploring the ancient temples of Prambanan. The temple complex was built between the 8th and 10th century, by the Hindu rulers. The temples were only recently "rediscovered" and much of them are still swallowed by the jungle. However, when you talk to the locals here, they'll tell you that the temples were never really lost, only that they simply had no purpose in what is now a muslim state. That is until white people decided they were culturally significant and important causing a small boom of tourism. These temples still do not attract the same level of that of Angkor Watt in Cambodia, but they are supposed to be equally as impressive.

Well 5 am hit and so did the food poisoning, back with advengence, around 7 I was able to make it down to the lobby to send an email to the woman who booked the tour for me that I wouldn't be able to make the 8 am departure. I toyed with the idea that I should see if a later departure time was avaible, but in the end it seemed best not to push things. I had my room at Sati Hitel until noon, then I had to move back to ViaVia where my original booking was. By 8 am the Sari hotel erupted with construction workers repairing god knows what. The noise of saws, hammers and drills filled the air as I laid in a ball on the bathroom floor, oddly comforted by the noise which reminded me of my family's never ending construction projects. I took some medicein and prayed that it would work.

At 11 I started to slowly gather up my things and by noon I was down in the lobby checking out. I walked the block and a half to VaiVai where as I filled out the paperwork for staying there I felt the familiar stomach rumble and had to excuse myself. Doubled the dosage of the meds.

By 5pm I had finished one book and I was feeling safe enough to leave my room. I went to see the tour people to confirm my trip for tomorrow and get reimbursed for the day. Not wanting to push my luck I picked up some juice figuring it had more to it than water. And retired to my room. So much for day one of the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are okay and hope you are on the mend from food poisoning. Enjoy the rest of your adventure in good health. Love Grandma
