Sunday, February 9, 2014

Taipei Day 3

Taipei Day 3, we slept in and then went for a dumpling brunch. This time we tried a different place, the pork seam buns were great, the dumplings didn't quite live up to the previous day's standard. After we set out the Contemporary Art Gallery. I was excited, I scooped out the website the night before, it was going the be great. And then we get there and it's closed. Which the website failed to disclose. Normally its open on Sundays, but because of the holiday and it having to be open on Chinese New Year it moved its close date to Sunday. So plan B, we'll go to the area where they are setting up the lantern festival for the coming week. 

This is a lantern, apparently they will light up, we're unsure if they will float in the sky or not. 

People write their wishes or what they are thankful (we were told different things by people?) for the New Year and hang them from trees. 

This is a giant mechanical Pegasus for the festival. The Pegasus is covered with CD with peoples wishes written on it. I'm not sure, it's supposed to be by some famous artist. In my opinion it kinda missed the mark.  

Read this:

Now this is the visual depiction of that:

Yes its a lantern, and yes its slightly racist. My real question is how does this depict traders from South East Asia or Africa? There were all kinds of gems like this throughout the park. 

Weirdly awesome at the one transit stop. 

We headed back to our hostel to gather our luggage only to learn our flight had been delayed. We debated venturing to a market, however we decided instead to just get Starbucks, and read our books for a while. We attempted to take transit to the airport but we got to the point where we were supposed to find the bus, unable to locate it in a 4 block radius, gave up and hailed a cab, where I played Pictionary with the driver to get us to the airport. We lucked out that it wasn't until us leaving Taiwan that we ran into a language barrier. 

We hung out at the airport while our flight continued to get delayed, eventually we got on the plane, took off landed at midnight then drove back to Subic for 2am. 

Overall Taipei was a neat city, I was glad I went, but really it's only somewhere you need to go once. 

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