Sunday, August 11, 2013


So its been over a week sense surgery and I'm feeling much better. I still nap a lot, I get tired easily, I'm not allowed to lift things, and I still can't fly because there's a possibility of haemorrhaging and death. But I'm no longer in pain!

I believe the surgery went well. I say 'I believe' because when the doctor came to talk to be me post op I was on a lot of drugs and really out of it so I have no memory of what was said to me. Its really just a big blur. But seeing as that my mother hasn't told me otherwise I'm pretty sure I'm now pre-cancer free.

In the past week nothing too exciting has happened, there's been a lot of bed rest and movie watching. Things I've learned from this process:

  • I don't do well with IVs my veins are tiny and difficult to find. And it leaves a giant bruise that just continues to get worse days after it's taken out.
  • T3's are not as fun as people make them out to be. A lot of people were inclined to point out the silver lining that I get good drugs. Wrong. I was confused and nauseous and I hated my life. It wasn't fun, it was highly frustrating. 
  • I do not own enough comfy pants. I used to think that girl's whose entire wardrobe consisted of yoga pants and sweat pants and pyjama pants were lazy and completely out of touch with fashion. Now I realize that they're just ingeniously preparing for the worst. No one wants to wear jeans while recovering from surgery. 

So this Friday I will be heading out for the Philippines for my second year of teaching there. Since I've been on medical leave, my classes have started without me. I'm a little nervous to see what state my classroom is in, and how the substitute teacher has done.

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